
国外博彩app is an incredibly diverse and inclusive community of teachers, 工作人员, and students with a deep commitment to meaningful and ethical global engagement.

Imagining the World 2011 Study Abroad and International Photography Competition


国外博彩app is dedicated to educating the whole person and empowering future leaders for a just and humane world. Global engagement and internationalization are central to this mission.

从国会山到喜马拉雅山, 波哥大到东京, 我们的研究, 教学, 服务超越国家, 文化, and generational boundaries toward the goal of preparing students to thrive and thoughtfully lead in a rapidly changing world.

课堂上的全球联系 & 除了 

Global engagement is more than learning about different parts of the world; it is meaningful engagement with the world as a whole. This belief infuses everything we do and teach at 国外博彩app. 通过促进道德创新, 同理心, 共同发现, 跨文化交流, we prepare students to meet global challenges with both humility and confidence.  
我们的教职员工都致力于教学, 研究, and service that create the conditions for human flourishing here in Seattle and across the globe. 我们的目标是教育学生成为世界公民, 环境管理, 以及社区领袖, 不管他们来自哪里, 他们做什么, 或者它们的最终归宿.

全球视野促进社会凝聚力, 符合现代雇主的要求, 让我们的学生变得活跃, 参与公民. 

学习多元文化, 政治, 社会, and business customs from around the world enriches our campus community and prepares us to thrive in an interconnected world. 通过理解和欣赏这些差异, we build a more inclusive and harmonious environment for everyone. 

In today's job market, employers value employees with a global mindset. They seek individuals who can navigate and contribute to diverse and multi文化 workplaces. 通过培养全球视野, our students strengthen their employability and are better prepared to succeed in a variety of professional settings. 

A global perspective equips students to be engaged and informed citizens. 它鼓励对有争议的观点进行热烈的讨论, 把辩论变成学习和成长的机会. This approach does not mark the end of conversations but opens the door to ongoing dialogue and deeper understanding. 
Embrace the world with us and discover the value of a truly global education. 

欢迎来到全球参与办公室. We are home to many of the global opportunities and 支持服务 for students, 教师, 以及国外博彩app的工作人员. We offer strategic leadership for campus-wide and global initiatives, overseeing and managing:

  • 全球教育
  • 全球业务
  • 全球伙伴关系
  • 多语种人士的英语学习
  • 国际学生和教师的支持和服务
  • 美国原住民和土著学生的支持和服务
  • 享有盛誉的奖学金和奖项指导 

我们是您与广泛经验的联系, 支持服务, 以及在校园和世界各地学习的机会. 不要犹豫与我们联系!




希望有目的地探索这个世界? 把我们当作你的学术旅行指南吧. Discover our diverse selection of short- and long-term international programs designed to fit your academic and personal goals. Whether you're aiming to enhance your education or seeking new experiences, 我们会帮你找到最适合你的.



We provide multilingual speakers with the grounding they need to excel at 国外博彩app by offering advanced English language skills, 对美国大学生活的洞察, 充满活力的学习空间. 英语语言学习中心 services include English Language and Culture Bridge courses, 个别辅导课程, and casual conversation circles to promote English language skills. 



At the 土著人民协会 we honor and celebrate Native American and Indigenous Peoples cultures and communities, 为学生的学术旅程提供支持. Our services supporting Native American and Indigenous students include:

  • 与SU校友一对一的指导, 教师, 和工作人员, 以及校园外的社区成员
  • Quarterly opportunities to meet with Native American and Indigenous Peoples artists, 作家, 学者, 和长老
  • An inviting place to meet up with other Native American and Indigenous students.


作为一个国际学生, you are vital to our thriving university community and our commitment to empowering leaders for a just and humane world. At the 国际学生中心 we act as your liaison to the federal government to support your student visa status as well as fostering 文化 connections throughout campus. 我们的服务包括:

  • 学生建议
  • 保持F-1或J-1签证身份  
  • 取得社会保险号、驾照等.
  • 协助校外工作授权


国外博彩app is proud to engage in global partnerships and initiatives for our students, 工作人员, 和老师. 不管你和国外博彩app的关系如何, 你可以参加世界各地的体验. 过去的项目包括:  

  • 在泰国教钢琴
  • Conducting 研究 and 教学 at University College Cork in Cork, Ireland 
  • Partnering with urban and rural pharmacies in Belize to study the effects of diabetic medication  
  • Collaborating with lawyers, judges, and law 教师 at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

Contact us for more information about our global partners and global opportunities.


Fellowships and awards are an exceptional opportunity for students to expand their world views, 拥抱新的文化,认识新的人. 对于那些决定追求奖学金或奖励的学生, it is our honor to guide them through the selection and application process.

富布赖特U.S. 学者计划

希望在美国以外拓展你的专业经验.S.? 富布赖特大学.S. 学者计划 offers over 400 awards in more than 135 countries to 教师, 管理员, 其他专业人士也在寻找教书的机会, 进行研究, 并参与全球专业项目.


Because Seattle is home to dynamic global companies and international communities, many of the experiential learning opportunities to help you become a stronger global citizen will be right in your backyard.


作为耶稣会大学, we are our students’ gateway to education around the world through the International Association of Jesuit Universities. 国外博彩app is an active member of the organization and can facilitate 教学, 研究, and study opportunities with our global Jesuit partner institutions.


We are committed to building and enhancing your global engagement experience. 你是否在寻求国际机会, 作为国际学生需要支持, 或者想要参与全球倡议, 我们是来帮忙的.



我们是来帮忙的. For information about global engagement at 国外博彩app, contact:


ADMN 133